NaNoWriMo November 18

Lakeland Writers will be hosting a NaNoWriMo event on November 18. Bring a work in progress and write!

Our next regular meeting will be on December 16.

How It Works

First, sign up to write your novel this November.

Committed to writing 50,000 words in the 30 days of November? Then, follow these easy steps to get started:

Complete profile1. Fill out your profile.

Complete your profile so like-minded writers can connect with you.

Create your novel.2. Create your novel.

It’s all happening! Got questions before you can decide what you’ll be writing this November? Check out our FAQ. Otherwise:

Announce your NaNoWriMo novel now!

Join your local NaNoWriMo region.3. Select your region.

Choose a home region to get updates on local events from your volunteer Municipal Liaison. Once you’ve selected your region, your Regional Lounge will appear with the forums.

Earn a badge.4. Earn badges.

Earn participation and writing badges by completing specific milestones.

Award yourself personal achievement badges to celebrate the peaks and valleys of your personal creative journey.

Badge panel.

Prepare for NaNoWriMo5. Get inspired.

We have plenty of resources to spur you on, including pep talks from published authors, NaNo Prep advice, and more.

Update your word count6. Start writing.

Starting on November 1, update your word count via the header menu:

Word-Count Pointer

Validate your word count.7. Claim your win.

Starting on November 20, paste the full text of your novel to win. Click the trophy badge when it appears as below to validate your win.

Validate your novel.

Bonus Steps!

  1. #1 by pwarten on November 18, 2015 - 11:02 pm

    Alison, thank you for hosting the NaNo event tonight! I’m glad we had a decent turnout!

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